
Your O&M Documentation in SharePoint

O&M Manuals delivered directly into your SharePoint tenant, full site setup, configuration, and training.

O&M Documentation in SharePoint

Did you know we can also publish your O&M manual into your SharePoint tenant? As well as chasing your supply chain, collecting the O&M and related documentation, managing the review and approval process, and publishing in to one or more of our inhouse proprietary O&M manual formats (NaviDOC, PrintReady PDF, Files & Folders, Printed Binders), we also publish directly into SharePoint.

A Document Management System (DMS) is a facility to store documentation. Microsoft SharePoint is one of the leading and most commonly used document management systems today. Having rapid access to your O&M documentation in digital and updatable format is vital to ensuring successful management and maintenance of your buildings and estates. COGNICA's systems publish O&M documentation directly into your own SharePoint tenant, giving you full control of your data.


One location, holding all data on your building or estate, compliant to standards


Available to multiple stakeholders to update as and when, accessible from any device and anywhere


Continuous management of documents, cloud-based technology, easily adaptable to changes in Standards


Easily integrated to other systems to support data enrichment for better decision making

High tech digital information

What does publish to SharePoint mean?

We will work with you to setup your O&M site in your SharePoint tenant building the space, site, pages, content types and setup the document libraries.  Using our inhouse Matrix Publisher application we publish your completed O&M manual into your SharePoint libraries.  All documents are enriched with detailed meta data to result in a highly structured, easily searchable O&M manual available in your own SharePoint tenant.

crystal ball

Why would I have my O&M manuals in SharePoint?

You likely have a SharePoint Hub based Intranet accessible by all internal users and external guest users. Integrating your building / facilities maintenance O&M documentation in SharePoint gives you centralised ownership over all your O&M manuals, give you User access management & granular permissions, document version control, audit tracking, and you can easily manage document updates within your team. And perhaps the best part for you is there are no additional hosting costs since you will likely already have SharePoint as part of your O365 licensing.

device agnostic

How will COGNICA help with setting up SharePoint?

During collection of your O&M documentation through our Matrix platform, we’ll ensure everything is highly structured with the required sections, meta data, versions, and approval status etc. Your IT team will setup secure access for us to a specific area of your SharePoint tenant. We take care of the rest configuring the SharePoint pages, content types, document libraries etc and then publish the O&M directly into your SharePoint. We’ll provide training for your champions and we can offer ongoing support as required.

secure data

Can the O&M manual be updated in SharePoint?

Yes. It’s in your SharePoint site, under your control, and incorporates SharePoint’s built-in version control and approval workflows. Your process can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. We can help get you started with this should you require assistance.

rapid search

Can I have O&M manuals for multiple buildings in SharePoint?

Yes absolutely. SharePoint is perfectly designed for this and we are experts are delivering O&M manuals for multiple buildings into SharePoint. Our team will help design the site as much or as little as necessary, ahead of publishing O&M manuals into the right location for you.


Is this suitable just for new buildings or can it be used for upgrade projects?

Both. We routinely deliver new build projects or upgrade projects into customer SharePoint sites. It’s a highly flexible, and highly effective way to manage your O&M manuals.

Interested in this solution? Feel free to contact us for more information

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Benefits to hosting your O&M manuals in your SharePoint

  • Manage your own data – Once COGNICA load your O&M manual information onto your own SharePoint, you own and manage your information without need to engage a 3rd party.
  • Device agnostic – SharePoint can be accessed via most computers, tablets, smartphones provided users have authorised access and an internet connection.
  • Full control – SharePoint is setup with advanced role based access controls (RBAC), you control how users view, edit, or remove the data.
  • Search – COGNICA incorporate rich meta data with the O&M manual and optimise the SharePoint library structure for quick and easy information retrieval.
  • Version Control – SharePoint incorporates advanced version control right out of the box. Documents can easily be updated in situ, maintaining a full audit history including the ability to roll back to earlier versions. You manage your documentation as the building evolves through its lifecycle.
  • Updateable – You can engage COGNICA further to collect and collate new documents for refurbishment projects, or new blocks and once approved, this can be published into your existing SharePoint O&M library ensuring your document state remains consistently structured, up to date and complete.
  • No third-party hosting fee – There is no requirement to pay a 3rd party to host your documentation in an external O&M hosting platform. Your own SharePoint is part of your own Microsoft365 licensing. Since you’ll already be using SharePoint in your organisation, there is no additional software required.

COGNICA's performance throughout was excellent. Requests responded to by return. Final delivery of manuals as promised

Design Manager, Fleet Services, Galliford Try

Providing clients with complete confidence

COGNICA’s quality management systems provide our clients with complete confidence in the reliability of our products and solutions and is a registered member of the ICO for Data Protection under reference ZA751681.


COGNICA hold a number of active quality certifications including ISO 9001 certification for collation and delivery of information (DNV), ISO 14001 for its Environmental Management System (DNV), ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety System (DNV), ISO 19650-2:2018 for BIM delivery (BSI). In addition, COGNICA hold further accreditations in Builder’s Profile Premium, Constructionline Gold, Achilles UVDB Silver, Acclaim (SSIP scheme), IHEEM affiliate and CSCS cards for construction site safety.

Our projects

High quality project management.

View all projects
Glass Futures, Bowmer & Kirkland - O&M Documentation Management

Glass Futures, Bowmer & Kirkland

O&M Documentation Management

Bowmer & Kirkland were having delivery issues with their current provider and reached out to COGNICA to help.

The Cheng Yu Tung Building, BAM - O&M Documentation Management​

The Cheng Yu Tung Building, BAM

O&M Documentation Management

COGNICA facilitate and supervise the compilation and creation of the Operations and Maintenance Manual

Prince Charles Hospital, Tilbury Douglas - O&M Documentation Management

Prince Charles Hospital, Tilbury Douglas

O&M Documentation Management

This project consisted of upgrading and extending the facilities over several phases. This was a BIM project.


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