
Signature Care Homes - delivering a safe, easily accessible management system in Buckingham

Home and residential
Signature Care Homes provides luxury care homes and assisted-living communities for seniors in need of nursing, respite or dementia care.

Project Requirements

Situated in the market town of Beaconsfield in Buckingham, UK, the extra-care facility contracted COGNICA to help it deliver an operations and management manual in a standard election solution. 

Image of a Signature Care Home

What we delivered:

COGNICA , an RSK company, has rich and varied experience of transferring paper-based document systems to a digital one. Once contracted, we agreed on a strategy with Signature Care Homes. It wanted to have direct control of the delivery and management of the building’s hand-over documentation. The project’s requirement, as delivered by our specialists, was to standardise the information received from the supply chain and enable easy access and management of the operation and maintenance manuals for the care facility’s properties on an electronic platform. 

Signature Senior Lifestyle was moving to Office 365 Suite; so, we identified SharePoint 365 as the ideal platform for the manuals. Delivery to this platform enables the documentation to be easily searched, identified, accessed and updated.

Estate Management

A flexible and sustainable document management environment


Standardise the required documentation across the business

Sustainable Technology

Create a DMS which is sustainable into the future

One Source of the Truth

On-going document management control having the correct information only

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Image of a Signature Care Home

Continued Work

Our team developed and configured the SharePoint 365 platform to enable the current manuals to be delivered and stored. The platform is hosted on a cloud-based system operated by Signature Senior Lifestyle, thereby allowing remote access to the site on hand-held devices as well as via a desktop computer. We designed the platform with excellent flexibility, so the responsible person at Signature could easily migrate or upgrade the IT system. After completing the project, we were contracted to work on all new builds as a provider of collation services.

COGNICA, working alongside the main contractor, is continuing to provide manuals tailored to Signature Senior Lifestyle’s preferences, further enabling the organisation to manage, operate and maintain its buildings throughout their lifecycle.

O&M Quotation Enquiry

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