1 Oct 2024

A bug’s life at COGNICA!

The team at COGNICA are thrilled to be advancing in their environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets in support of RSK’s sustainability strategy, Second Nature, by creating a cosy habitat for the bugs and other wildlife that lives near the office location.

As outlined in our 2030 sustainability strategy, each RSK Group company is required to develop an annual ESG plan with relevant targets that contribute to the achievement of the overall group ambition. COGNICA’s environmental target was to implement one office or site initiative for the benefit of biodiversity. 

The woods and green spaces surrounding its offices are already a peaceful thriving home for wildlife. Deer, foxes and rabbits can often be seen, so the team wanted to do something to add to this.

At the back of the site, many trees that were in danger of hanging over the fences and onto the nearby railway line had to be cut back, and the team decided to reuse these branches to create log piles and shelters for bugs and smaller animals, such as hedgehogs, before the winter. They also created some hanging bee and bug houses in the trees and spread some wildflower mix in a sunny area of the wood.

Despite the heat on the day, it was nice and cool in the wood and a great day of team building and creativity. We are looking forward to seeing any changes throughout the year – hopefully we will see some flowers in the autumn and traces of wildlife using what has been created!

For more information on the RSK Group Sustainability strategy, click here.